Trump, Grassley, McConnell, Graham


  Trump, Grassley, McConnel, Graham

    We listened to a clip of Donald Trump apologizing to Kavanaugh in the name of the American people
    Mr Trump, you have no right to speak in the name of the people of the US. You are an illegitimate tenant of the White House, a cuckoo bird in a stolen nest. The minority of votes you received came through unprecedented vote fraud crime.
    As someone under criminal investigation you had no legal right to nominate anyone. Your political party is less than 1/4 of the registered voters in the US. It is the party of billionaire megathief

    In the past Trump said police should rough up the apprehended as they were pushed into the back seats of patrol cars. Recently he told police chiefs he supports the unconstitutional 'stop and frisk'.When Trump uses the term 'mob' one thinks of the Charlottesville racists he defended who murdered a woman & struck people with their clubs. One thinks of his deliberate incitement of violence against blacks at his campaign rallies. One thinks of Kavanaugh's role in the 'rent a mob' gathering in DC and Florida in 2000 as he helped G H W Bush and Jeb Bush steal the election from Al Gore with the aid of the 5 Republican executioners on the Supreme Court. One thinks of Fred Trump at his KKK rallies and of Fred's son warned 3 times by the DOJ to stop barring blacks from his apt bldgs. Was there a single news story of any antiKavanaugh protester being violent? God remove DJT from power as well as his VP, cabinet members, and illegimately nominated Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

    Many of Kavanaugh's Yale classmates said he was a mean and aggressive drunk,
    Kavanaugh has been servile to authorities and brutal to the powerless.

God hasten the impeachment of Trump, Pence, the cabinet he appointed, the dovehunter Gorsuch and perjurer Kavanaugh, the federal judges.

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Tolerance As A Virtue

We in usa embrace all sorts of negative characters in politics and elsewhere. The current trend of believing liars is laughable, but as society dictates, we endure it in a civilized manner. The historians are having a field day, so are the media, praise to condemnation, hope to remove soon as possible. The polls are giving the GOP a boost post that sham of a nomnation process. What happened to 2/3 votes to approve a candidate to the bench. We need to put that back in place. Control the Congress, control the rules. It just sucks right now, and unless they suspend voting and declare Trump dictator or king or emperor, we are stuck with it. It is being called "The Cold Civil War." Divided, we are barely standing. - slc