Fear Of Sex

Mate Love

Sex And Fear

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 There is a matrix of fears associated with sexual activity.

1  Fear of STD's (sexually transmitted diseases), some lethal
2. Fear of violence (repe, death, kidnapping, pain)
3. Fear of pregnancy
4. Fear of loss of reputation or love
5. Fear of loss of freedom, control, power
6. Fear of financial loss in general, theft in particular
7. Fear of rejection by family or church group
8. Fear of rejection or cruelty by a sex partner
9. Fear of embarrassment re bodily defects
10. Fear of loss of energy (chi)
11. Fear of hurting ones own or another's partner
or children
12. Fear from belief in fundamentalist spiritual systems
     re the concept of sin and hell   
13. Fear of lapse from celibacy
14. Fear of being overpowered
15. Fear of arrest for violating laws

16. Fear of losing a better partner because one didn't wait
17. Fear of partner jealousy and possessiveness or of ones own
18. Fear of violating ones own spiritual beliefs


Humans are not kangaroos with pouches for keys, money
and credit cards.
When one who is not focused on security but on passion
chooses to be vulnerably naked with a stranger who
is often stronger, who does not practice safe sex
and can transmit STD's with pregnancy-generating
semen,  he or she is practicing Russian roulette.

There are hazards too in virginity.. In fear of offending elders
and others, the young are often funneled into marriages they would
not choose otherwise.  They are programmed to feel that one must marry someone with whom one has had sex.
Women propagandized into virginity are also responsible for teasing a partner and themselves. Without an outlet, some partners seek prostitutes or other companions for release.


-saiom shriver-


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