The Salvation Army like the 7th Day adventists were founded by vegetarians and vegans respectively. The early Salvtion Army had success treating alcoholism with vegetrian diet. Vegan diet would be even better. Personally have never met a veg or vegan alcoholic.
I would love to say a vegan
I would love to say a vegan diet was an overnight cure for my addiction, but it took a personal crash landing to make me want to find freedom. I had to choose between my life and the bottle, and well, here I am. I will say that my diet helped quite a bit because a healthier body is an emotionally stronger body, and you really need some steady nerves to power through those first months.
Actually, years. For the rest of your life.
Even if a vegan diet didn't improve my health significantly, it's a wonderful feeling to leave the world a little more peaceful than I found it.
Important information here.
I am.
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not