Afghanistan; The Longest War, 20 Years, in US History





Arthur Conan Doyle's character Watson, Sherlock Holmes' partner


  was hurt in Afghanistan between 1878 & 1880. British soldiers in 3 different imperialist colonial invasions (1839–42; 1878–80; 1919) were driven out. The Bush Obama Trump war initiated by the CIA black op, the bombing of the World Trade Center, and gave an excuse for the invasion into Afghanistan.




Millions of deaths and injuries to people, animals, billions of birds harmed by bombs, the bombing of trees hastens global climate extremes, trillions to war profiteers as the people of the US have suffered from the immoral illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen (providing air support for Saudi bombing and starvation of the people of Yemen), Syria etc.



Initiation of wars in Afghanistan, Syria, and assassinations in Vietnam, destabilization in Venezuela etc. were conducted not by the Pentagon but the CIA.  Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F Kennedy, and Jimmy Carter are 4 presidents who wanted either to abolish the CIA or to confine it to intelligence gathering, eliminating the agency's assassinatons, wars, destabilizations etc.






cartoon of a Western missionary on a donkey entering Afghanistan...  gravestones of the many


countries' failed campaigns in that country are on the side





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