The Bhagavad Gita Describes The Best And Worst Food


Over 5000 years ago, full avatar Krishna spoke with Arjuna
The conversation was recorded in the Bhagavad Gita (the song of God). In chapter 17, verses 8 to 10
Krishna described sattvic food (the best) as among other things sweet and juicy (e.g. mango, peach etc). He went on to define rajasic food (that which induces passion). Last, he said that food eaten more than 3 hours after cooked is tamasic (causing sleepiness, sloth). Now scientists know in analyzing
such food that it has sleep inducing bacteria, some
of which can be putrid.

John Harvey Kellogg MD received his MD in 1875. He researched the number of ecoli

(colon) bacteria in an animal's body after s/he has been murdered and found that within 4 hours there are literally

billions.  As a doctor he did not charge the poor.

Those who eat the purest food (sattvic) require less sleep than

those who eat the worst food (tamasic).

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