Sea Biscuit Eating The Flowers Of His Victory Wreath

Sea Biscuit

moments after his

great victory..

was eating the flowers

of his victory wreath


masters are not bound

by earth perks

Sea Biscuit was 1 of millions

of horses who have suffered

lethal or fatal injuries

as humans shift them from

place to place.. some

are killed in barn fires..

many have dozens of owners

and dozens of homes..


7 Deadly Sins Of TV For 3 Masters

1. promoting war

2. telling lies to promote war, lies which subvert democracy

  and Truth

3. adveritising alcohol and other harmful substances

   .. not only in commercials but in dramas

4. promoting sexual license and its evil twin,

  the form consciousness of youth which sires contempt

  for the elderly and cruelty

5. creating fright in horror movies

6. advertising the flesh or stolen products of butchered

  drawn and quartered animals and fishes.. and in so doing

  showing disrespect for the dietary beliefs of Muslims,

  Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Sufis, Jains,

Rastafarians etc.

7. promoting materialism

For which masters?

1. the ratings number masters

  which are subservient to the

bottom line numbers masters

2. the masters of hate.. who promote violence to maintain

  political control

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Jai Jayati!

Yes there is an equal and opposite reaction
on the material plane..

but I postulate that the heliotropism which responds to God's waves
of light.. is in the spiritual realm



jgupta's picture

This is known as digging their own graves. Please do go through my Newton's third law to feel what many of us like you too feel.