Ted Williams


To you his hat

he tipped

To you now

his wings he dips

To you now

his wings he tips

before he flies


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ted Williams, only
man so far to bat .406
or over 400 since 1941
left for God .

He campaigned for
inclusion of African
Americans in the Baseball
Hall of Fame. (The first
2 teams to integrate
were the Brooklyn Dodgers
and Cleveland Indians.)

Once Ted vowed never
to tip his hat to fans
(as he guarded his
privacy from the Boston
sports press corps)
but in 1999, he said
"I tip my hat to
all the fans of New England"

Had he not left to fight
in World War II his
baseball record would
have more stars.

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chris's picture

nice poem.
I liked it.
Simple, short, sweet
I liked and still do like Ted Williams too.
Hey, I am from Boston.
Thanks for sharing it with us, keep writing.