* 70 Love Poems

Short Poems


My love for you a yearling became... many eons ago.
His dogs and cats cannot read.. save the script of his soul
They cannot write..except on his heart
As a tide floats all boats ..As great music lifts all lyrics
..so do love's spirit pinions ..make sacred each opinion
At dawn the emperor sun breaks forth from the lair of mars but in the evening he
disappears behind cloud curtains to the chamber of venus.
Living shrimp in a bucket looked up at me with their penetrating black sweet eyes on stalks.
Cloud maya makes the sun appear to wink at you. But his love
is constant, not on and off.
Compass needles are magnetized to the north
but compassion unencompassed in all directions pours.
Dusk sun at their backs. Its long shadow makes their 2 silhouettes one.
Did the Creator gave rats and snakes and bugs and weeds
life and then not give them feelings?
For love the model forsook the runway. From that shallow world she did run away.
Her love awaited at the airport Monday. That eve they taxi'd down the runway.
From 2 dynasties of love they merge into a destiny of love
He aspired to be a Venutian rather than a martyr.. to follow
the path of venus' love rather than sometimes angry mars.
He no longer harms daisies or their petals shreds.. to ask if her love for him has been shed.
His empathic heart is always giving command performances for anyone in need.
I want to go to God on the road of you.
Within the shrine of his soul, I kneel before the heart of my Beloved.
In the hive of my heart, unstolen from any bees, is stored infinite love for you
Is the fact that God is Universal Love a license to be
promiscuous, polyamorous, polygamous or polyandrous.?
In his heart bell hung a tong which struck every time
he caught sight of her or heard her voice.
Knowing that froggie fear was engendered by horse hooves,
Pegasus grew wings and then he arose framed by a sky of orange pink and rose.
Love is a purifier more sacred than pure fire.
Love limited, love circumscribed, love lukewarm is by God decried.
Love not force rides the horse.
Love surrounds hate as the sea laves icebergs.
Hate is frozen Love. God is Love which will melt all hate
Love was the priest who married them.
Lust says the whole is not as great as the part but
Love flows whole from its temple in the heart.
A baby who lies untouched in cradle.. a child who sits untouched in a crib.. will grow up thinking he's unlovable.. feeling he is untouchable.
Mongers in the name of love heartshaped candies sell.
But our landlord lives God's love in every single cell.
More precious because he'd waited so long to hear.. the most beautiful lyrics... 'I love you' in his ears.
A match does not an iceberg ignite nor does a waterdrop survive in a forest fire . We are influenced by the company we keep.
Allgiving sun passes light... through persimmon tree leaf filters.. filling her fruit
with lovepotion juice...paradisical philters
Phone wires pinker glow as love reconnecting flows
Roses are pink. Violets are violet. Our love for you
is forever inviolate
She is my beloved sister...off all who come her way the assister.
She was baptized in water by her brother's rare tears..
baptized in fire by her mother's unshed tears
Sleeping Beauty is awake inside each being, but some of us
need the kiss of unconditional love to know we are made of love
Some criticized him for sharing his journal, , but most
were grateful that he had invited all into his heart
Some human beings frighten the birds. They are animated scarecrows,
but there are others who attract them near and far. They are carecrows.
Suddenly out of the green, pops a trillium. Of fields elsewhere, the sun lilies em
Suddenly out of the blue, the ship on the horizon Suddenly out of the purple, love's eve rising.
The Lord of Love laves his lilies in light.. and lets dandelions and ivy leaves alone to live
The love of the heart has surrounded the mind's knife of
criticism sheathing it with silence.
The peony sphere has no perfume.. until she opens the petals of her heart
The same God shines through the prisms of all eyes.
They suddenly knew they wanted to avoid pain and much trouble
by going through life as a doublebubble
Those who stop eating pork or beef or squab don't ingest adrenalin.
Reduced is their squabbling.
To the lowlying sea....river waters to the most humble point descending..
but then lifted by the lovelight of the sun waters are ascending
Two puddles loved each other and became a brook.2 pools
of light loved each other and became a glow.2 hearts loved each other and became one.
Unbidden buzz in the bloombibbing bees.
Until we saw Linda G's sanctuary, we never thought
Noah's Ark... could be as clean as a sunwashed barque
We came to a crossroads and what did we see? All directions pointing..
to his heart's infinity
The chubby little hand of the small boy .. tenderly cups the head of the puppy..
..a magic little cup this hand.. which holds the liquid of love though upside down.. pouring
it from endless springs
Within small circles do spiders build webs while larger
ones foil them. So the uncircumscribed heart foils lurking danger.
Your heart is a blazing star.. sending forth infinite rays in all directions.
Held by love, the busy yellow jacket sups within the petals' brackets
Arthur pulled a sword out of stone..but he was not able to pull
out the sword Guinevere thrust into his heart until Bea came along ...she who could liquefy a rock with her aura.
Dust caked plant confined within house walls..stares out wistfully
as cleansing raindrops make loveslides down free leaves
Shortly before he was born, God gave a vision of a soaring eagle suddenly swooping down
and voluntarily entering an open bamboo cage on a boat. I knew a great soul was taking
To God they said "Your amarylis and Your lilies with delight do fill us."
And God replied "I made them for My Beloved Phyllis"
The wind decanted the bush of lavender lilac and she was garbed in her own sweet perfume
In dawning daybreak so pure and still they opened the window above the sill. The Sun of Love into room did spill.
The little baby boy stretched out his arms to the stranger with a radiant smile.. silently saying 'pick me up'...conferring a grace which made her cry. Arms so small Bequeathing All
Whether you are Kwon Yin or Kwon Yang You are always a lovable God
Allen’s heart compass is Allen-compassing. To Love points Allen’s heart compass. It is all encompassing
Wherever is Maynard, Mother Earth is moving Mayward
In the past he had criticized the mores of those eels named Moray.. but resolved Maury in the
future to give out more A's.
A warm day in November... a leaf came calling down..
but then he flitted up... it was not a falling flutterby... but a rising butterfly!
Love the fan makes spark the fire Love the focus creates form from desire Love the finescreen turns firehose to mist Love the filter sees Pharisee as Christ Love the factory where miracles are fashioned. Love the furnace freezing hearts have sought. Love the fruit tree with gifts for all laden. Love the filings on the greatest magnet caught.
Because I was taught in school to objectify animals, it was easier not to think about eating their murdered body pieces. Why should I use the pronoun 'it' to refer to animals? They aren't objects nor genderless.
Suddenly out of the green, pops a trillium.
Suddenly out of the blue, the ship on the horizon
Suddenly out of the purple, love's rising.


When a peach is squeezed it gives us juice.

 Why when our hearts are deeply stirred do we release tears?

  Why when our hearts are deeply stirred do we release love?





Note: Thinking about Toho's beautiful and brief poem caused my response




-saiom shriver-

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Crossroads is to
A D'Alessio
2 Dynasties is to Nick
and Jess
Empathic Heart is to
  Peter Borlo

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Changes today:

'love not force rides the free horse'
'in the hive of my heart, unpurloined by bees, is stored
infinite love for you'
