Poems To Plant Rights


Those who named her
white pine
tho she's greengarbed
lusted for her severed
not her laced greenfire.

5 weaving needle fingers
in each hand frond
knitting swallow shelters
from the pouring sun font
and homing winged travelers
stopping at the pond


The carrot from Mother Earth untimely ripped
only to be a nose for a snowman..
was then discarded when an April sun disfigured her face..
Lying on the ground withered and dirty she was picked up and
consumed by a hungry raccoon. Yet did her green carrot top
fall out of a dumpster and land by a stream... where in time
she has oertaken the field.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

White Pine is to Nancy L who knows
the names of hundreds of
colors, thousands of
architectural and marine
terms, the works
of countless musicians
and artists and chefs

Building with brick
and block, stone and stucco, cement and clay
.. rather than the wood
of felled trees
1. prevents termite
2. prevents rotting wood
3. saves the time, money
and environmental desecration of paint
4. provides better
insulation in summer
and winter
5. prevents fires
6. increases rather
than decreasing home equity
7. preserves habitat for
8. cools down the earth
in summer and warms it
in winter
9. creates beauty

The immediate muse
for "Untimely Ripped"
was W S Cohen's description of a spring
wind removing the
charcoal smile of his
son's snowman.

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