Bite On the Nose



I was pondering Sai Baba's saying:
that a bee seeks only nectar
but a fly will eat also dung..
which Baba compared to the
sattvic or good mind and the
nonsattvic.. which can be critical

In Takoma Park the day immersed the bright
flowers in sunlight.. and I thought as I
identified with the flyminded
"OK Baba but a fly in a rose will not
sting you on the nose"

He immediately
sent a brilliantly winged fly

to bite me on the nose.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

to Greg M with whom
writer was at Al's
Market in Takoma
Park when this happened

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Yes indeed, a fly will get
it's nourishment
from honey or dung...
and a bee in a rose
will sting you on the nose...
This Poem is pack with several
elements of wisdom.
Keep Writing - Keep the faith.