Allah More Generous than the All Giving Palm

Allah give all

joy peace love supply

energy wisdom guidance


to all beings

in all ways

and always

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A rule of Colombo is that the murderer had motive, means,
and opportunity. Who benefits most from anthrax terror?
Bayer, makers of Cipro.. Bayer which has sold hundreds of millions
of dollars of the drug

Atlanta's Centers for
Disease Control (Coverup)
obscure the meat industry's
role in causing
more deaths than that
of alcohol, tobacco,
and accidents combined
through heart disease,
cancer, food poisoning,
kidney problems etc.
As pawns of Bayer,
Eli Lilly, Pfizer,
Novartis, and the pharmaceutical
cartel, they promote
toxic high cost drugs.

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May God align Tom Delay Wolfowitz Cheney
me and all beings to His Her will
.. and end all violence today and forever