(to Senators Torricelli, Warner, Murkowski, Stevens,
DeWine, Lieberman,
Santorum, Shelby, Specter, Hutchison, Clinton,
Voinovich etc.)
The unelected George Bush has exaggerated
the significance of the intelligence leak.
What was leaked to the Washington Post
says talk show host Mangino was
a report from the CIA that there is a 100%
chance of more terrorism within the US.
Mangino says Bush should stop treating the
American people like children, like subjects
held in darkness, that Bush should put
safety ahead of the economy.
Meanwhile others criticize the GOP for
putting corporate politics ahead of airport
security, and attempting to retard the
passage of the airport security bill.
For his master billionaires
Bush has proposed more welfare
.. asking for a 60 billion dollar tax cut
Stop old rich white male senators
from sending those of multihue
off to war
for BP and Monsanto
As David sent Uriah off to the front lines
so that David might boff Bathsheba..
modern senators driven by the lust
for power and money
contemplate sending our young men and women
to Afghanistan, where tens of thousands of
Soviet soldiers lost their lives. Russia
was right next door to Afghanistan, not
an ocean away.
Whether you are a pacifist, a populist,
or believe in violence, it is not wise
for any army to be landlocked in a foreign
country, when 60 countries have violent
and militant Muslims. Some of these
are the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,
Libya, Sudan, Somalia.
So what do you suggest they do then?
This is one of the biblical stories I find most enraging. Nice modernization of an old theme. Did you send a copy to the senators you meniton? Just curious.