*Volume 4; Poems to Christians




  • 14

Poems To Jesus Or Christians

102 Poems TO Jesus OR HIS Christian Followers


Clement Lemons


In the holiest of climes
where the trees to heaven climb
.. the sweet sweet rain
turns to sour juice of lime

and the dew skysent and clement
is the source for sour lemon

so do the words of the Peaceful
become the tirade of
warmonger pastors

(this poem was dedicated to charismatic peacemaker
John Clemente before his death)


Lilies OF THE Field


Jesus said that neither
do the lilies toil
nor do they spin
but Solomon in all his
finery is not
arrayed as one of these.

Yet do God's light threads
pour through their looms
They are lilied by His Love.
.. they are spun
by the Sun

(to Nancy L and to you
if you like it)


Clara T


Oh Clara T
... a mind of perfect clarity..
heartfont of pouring charity..
.. as in the woods of Cherokee
grows allfruit giving cherry tree

behind her trails hilarity
Kindness-sheathed her verity
.. never with severity

And of all men
she chose to marry T


HOW Jesus' Soul Came TO Mary


Like falling rain oer lilyleaf tripped
Like pure moon into bright cloud slipped
Like setting sun into calm sea dipped
did Jesus' soul come to Mary.

Like communion chalice sipped
Like the river oer fallsbrim lipped
Like dewdrop out of buttercup dripped
was Jesus' soul born of Mary.

(to Nancy M Wilson)




Miracles are often a surprise
but Godplanned as the sunrise
and stand beyond the realm
of mathematical surmise.
They multiply solutions
Cause hurt's dissolution
They bring kind absolution
and rain reunion ablutions.


Honeysuckle Heralds


God needs no
chain or buckle
to link
the roots
of honeysuckle.
His herald fragrance
runs ahead
as His seamless
delve in new


December Twenty Eighth


the feast of the Holy Innocents
.. those 2 year old baby boys
slaughtered by Herod
in his mad search for the little

December 28th.. when little
baby trees.. slaughtered
.. begin to show up on the curb

their resident flightless
baby birds and squirrels
long scattered or smashed

other trees' green flesh turned
into ephemeral wrapping paper
and Christmas cards


River Wine


River water
turns Christ wine
at the falls
as it pours onto
the altar rock.


Jesus' FIG Tree


He did belittle you..
but soon he'll bebig you..
In soonspring
on twigs
with blooms he will wig you..
in summer he'll summon
a jade garb to resprig you..
and in the fall with fresh fruit
he'll refig you


NO Stones NO Swords


Jesus told stoners to put
down their stones
He told Peter to put down his sword
Thou shalt not kill.. said His Father
Blessed are the Peacemakers..
his eternal words.

God give us the grace
to follow his words
to stand with the Prince of Peace
and speak against the warlords


Eleventh Hour Worker


Why should the 100th lamb
receive more love
than the 99 who
never strayed
and never disobyed

Why should the 11th hour
worker with just 60 minutes
receive the same pay
as those who worked all day?

Only love.. like his..
knows the answer..

but this we can say
Our pain was in the
longer way

(to M McDermott)


Five Murderers Given Clemency BY GOD


Moses murdered an
Egyptian in anger
David murdered Uriah
in lust.
Cain murdered Abel
in jealousy.
Paul murdered Christians
in blind obedience to
a cruel state.
Barabbas killed in
a revolution against
an illegal occupying power.
Most suffered afterward.
Yet God spared their lives.

(See John 8:7)


Christ'S Movie Entire


Father let us see the movie
of the life of Your Son Jesus' fire..
all the minutes and days
and months not in the Gospel
... all the private conversations
with His mother, and crowds and apostles


Christian Cockroaches


" No room at the Inn"
they said when His cockroaches
were born.
and in the middle of their lives..
the cockroaches loved by the Son of Man,
like Him have no place to lay their heads.
And at the end
"Father Father
why hast Thou forsaken us" they cried ..
as they died
nailed by the www.rkdms.com%2Fredirect%3Fc%3D3116629454%26en%3D17%26cl%3D691%26u%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.easyspirit.com%252FMondy-Walking-Shoes%252F62402728%252Cdefault%252Cpd.html%253FvariantColor%253DJJ0GZA4%2526variantSize%253D050%2526variantWidth%253DM%2526ep_tag%253Drkgfeedsescon%2526feedonomics_pid%253D740362787125%2526feedonomics_mid%253DF691%2526feedonomics_channel%253Dshopzilla%26szredirectid%3DSZ_Redirect_ID&mid=29607&cat_id=10110000&atom=10330&prod_id=&oid=6934658208&pos=1&b_id=18&bid_type=10&bamt=9a2afb930702cd49&cobrand=1&ppr=25ca26056d640834&rf=af1&af_assettype_id=12&af_creative_id=2973&af_id=615103&af_placement_id=1&dv=05982448a85dd50f95765dc043645f51" rel="nofollow" title="Link added by VigLink">shoes of the unripe
as their souls to Him soared in bliss

Only Love and Loving Creatures
can be created by the Source of All Love


What Most Hurt Jesus' Heart


Was it the scourging? the crown
of thorns? the carrying of the
cross? the thirst? the sleeplessness...
Those in the Sanhedrin who lied about
Was it Pilate's cowardice?
His followers who slept through His
His followers who ran away?
the betrayal of Judas?
the denial by His chosen successor Peter?
(the crumbling of His chosen Rock?)
No.. it was the few seconds
on the cross when He thought
Abba had abandoned him.

(More of His women followers were faithful)


When IS THE Opera Over?


The opera is not over untli
Satan himself sings..
until the Luciferian stone
of ego is melted in God's love..
until the diabolical cold
becomes the warmth of Divine

Every being will be saved..
including the most powerful


Jesus Beyond Time


Jesus is beyond time.
When He forged the keys
to hell in the chalice
of his suffering
they were for all time
.. past present and future.
He has already let all
out of hell forever.


Samson Pillars


Need not fear,
the caterpillar,
the falling of
the Samson pillars
for he has become
a butterfly.

And leaves need
not squirm
round caterpillar
for he has become
a no-leaf-eating

Jesus Preferred
Stable TO Steeple

Jesus preferred
to steeple

The animals loved
they were not coming
to show off their clothes
.. to act as human sheep
following 1 male pastor

Executed Felon

Jesus Mary and Joseph
were by Herod's hate
hounded into Egypt

Jesus was followed
and then arrested beaten
scourged suffocated
and crucified in the last
days of His life..

When one hears 'felonious
assault' or 'felons may
not vote' one remembers
that the Lord of Love
was considered a felon.

John Candy

Each time angel wings
stirred his genius
the Bethesda Pool of his Heart
was able to heal not just one but all who entered.
He is no longer bodybound ..
and when we hear the wind stir the lake ..
we will know.. he is calling us to joy.

Wounds ARE NOW Wands
Scars ARE NOW Scars

Whether widowers or wed,
windkissed we wend along
the winding way.
What a wonder to see His wounds..
and ours too!
have become magic wands.
Wednesday is no longer for woe.

WHO ARE THE Chosen People?

Who are the chosen people?
After the Messiah came to earth,
the chosen people became those who recognized Him
He has chosen All
and All will sooner or later
choose Him.

Hawaii Spirit

First the lightning bolts
of spoken word
and then the rain of grace
As clouds from ocean clashed
gainst peaks of Hawaii
turned into rain and
and down slopes poured
to the waiting sea
so seekers to those with
Spirit Gifts come ..
their hearts melt in Fire ..
from above they pour down
cascade aisles and fall
to the ocean of God's love


Mingled Blood

On Calvary Hill Jesus' blood drips from the cross..
With the raindrops it mingles.. and pours
into ruts before noon .. made by the dragging cross...
then into rivulets it goes
which to creeks flow
and to streams grow
.. to rivers.. to great rivers.. to bays and gulfs
til finally in ocean seas it merges.
The blood is everlasting.
Even this evening it enters as the residue..
in pine resin.. and mornglobes of dew.
Beetles bib and bees sup
it from each buttercup.
Hummingbirds sip it
in each trumpet flower goblet
It fills the cheeks of little plover
draughting of a cherrybloom chalice.
Each chrysalis is washed
in the crucible of Christ's rainblood.
Now winds are winding round cocoons
Each lake, every pond, yea every puddle
and rain drop.. is the Holy Grail
holding the Savior's
everlingering blood
and reflecting the SunSon of God.

Sandi Patty

Perhaps she sometimes
feels sad
that her body is bound
by gravity
.. as she
wings the hearts
of millions.


Jesus was knocking
on my heart's door
I told Him to come
back later..
and then discovered
He lived Inside.

God indwells every
no matter what
we have done..
tiny clouds on earth
can't bar
the blazing infinite

Black Eyed Susan

"Take Me.. Take Me
Take Me" waved
each bloom
to the bee
..but he went
to the Blackeyed Susan
who was needless
and free


an 8 piece vegan
pecan pie,
.. it was an octo-pie
Along came
an octopus
.. 1 tentacle to
hold 1 piece each
for the other octopi


walking on the waves
in the midst of the gale
He walked on the water
calming Gail

and invited her
to walk with Him
beyond sinking despair
beyond fishes' swim

(to Gail Thompson)

Keys TO Hell

Jesus showed He
has the keys to hell
and at anytime
can release
souls from jailcells


Orpheus tried to
remove Eurydice
from hell
but J was willing
to trade places
to save a friend
from hell

Chalice Visions

1. Heard in meditation: "Inside the chalice of wrath
is the blood of Jesus."

2. Vision of a Y of streets.. at its intersection
in the bricks.. there was blood

3. Was told by someone that a common symbol is 2 swords
upside down in a chalice. This can be 2 former enemies
united in the chalice of communion.. or
a triangle of 2 men and 1 woman the painful effects
of which must be worked out or else cancelled through grace.

Gentle Genesis 1: 29

God designed not
nor that we be
with labor wet
but grows
easily wild wheat
and drops in our
fruit so sweet

Nothing IS Caesar'S

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's
and to God what is God's said
Jesus. .. leaving it to us
to discover after a long time
that nothing is Caesar's..
Those who commit larceny by trick
or achieve power through murder
or other violence
forfeit the right to their
stolen goods.

Fingers Pointing

The morning cornfields in ecstasy
each plant points its crown
to the sun.. and says
"Seek ye first the kingdom
of God.. and all will be added
unto you."

(to the people of Indiana)


Out of a monochrome of brown
out of the blue
from last year's leaves and barren
trunks and fallen pine needle quills
of a sudden everywhere
bursts of golden daffodil

Lazarus Come Forth

Mother Earth is struck
by spring's magic wand
From His "Lazarus Come Forth!"
have obeyed a zillion
greening sapling wands.

Gone THE Gray

Rustbelt cities..
gone their cloak
of grey smoke
.. the skies
are blue

Gone Mary's foot
of the cross despair
Her Son is resurrected.

Grapes OF Wrath

The grapes of wrath
have turned to raisins
no longer bringing
others down
but their spirits raising
.. no longer cursing God
.. but ever God praisin

In all beings resides Abba
in all criminals
in Bar-abba-s

30 Pieces OF Gold

The full moon
through the clouds
threw 30 pieces of silver
to Judas on the shore.
But in the morning
they were turned gold
by sunfire
For all
redemption is entire

NOT Cowardice BUT Foreknowledge

It was not cowardice but foreknowledge
that Jesus' family hid from Herod.

Morning Rays

The morning sun beckons
and sends his morning rays
to show the way
The reborn Son calls
and sends his angel rays
to show the way

Stygian Rivers

Near blood rivers
they turned to squab
the guiltless pigeons
They desecrate Jesus'
nonviolent religion
as they add a pinch of
salt.. just a smidgeon


Before Himself the sun
.. Before His Presence
Come His Spirit Rays
His Presents

The Giver
Come His Gifts
Before the Great
Come the ForeGifts

Eternal Chain OF Kindness

From a stranger
the hunter peasant
received a heartfelt
surprise gift most pleasant
and so to the trapped
and frightened pheasant
he granted life
as a present


In winter winds
Sweet little nuthatch
can't find in
the nut a hatch
.. never fear
JR is here..
ready to spread a table for
you in the presence of your
full of seeds and raisins
and peanuts..

down the hatch


He knocked on our door
.. this stranger angel
from Miami..
and said that all he had
in the world was $2000
.. and that God had told
him to give us
9 $100 bills.. which
he did.

Universal Showers

The rising sun
does all with
divinity gild
The falling rain
does all with
mercy shower.
The blowing wind
does all with
kisses love.
Mother Earth
does all with
treefruit feed.


Allen's heart compass
is all encompassing
Allen's heart compass
is Allen-compassing

Easter Basket

If it harms none
and in prayer you ask it
God has it for you
in your Easter basket.

And as time and tide
flow on
one sees that
his own heart
is the Easter basket.

Bellies OF Octopi

"My ashes shall occupy
the bellies of octopi.
My aging brings
and its even
more evil
twin sterility.
Declines my body's
All is futility"
did I moan to my teacher
who to my mind's
intuition replied

"It is a lie from hell
to think yourself
the body's shell"
"Do not cling
to the petals of spring
for that retards
the ripening fruit"

"Each day all spirits
uncover more of
their infinite
love, power, beauty,
peace, miraclemaking."


Whenever winds howled
and whirled
and around homes
he knew that beyond
them shone
the unchanging
evening star

Clara T Version 2

She could make a room
full of corpses laugh
.. could Clara T
behind her trails hilarity
Kindness-sheathed her verity
.. never with severity
She has a
mind of perfect clarity..
heartfont of pouring charity..
.. as in the woods of Cherokee
an allfruit giving cherry tree

Apple Core

The discarded block
became the cornerstone
of the Heart Temple
with His LoveThrone

The apple core
thrown into the weeds
contained timeless seeds
.. they are His Word
Made Flesh
in Apple Tree Deeds

23RD Psalm Dandelions

"I shall prepare
a table for you
in the presence of
thine enemies"
said God about
the gold dandelion
table.. to His
bees.. as He
prepared to
dismantle all herbicide
insecticide companies.
all machine harvesters
and mowers.

They Have Divided MY Lots

They invaded the woods
temple of the deer.. ran after him
with highpowered weapons
and dogs.. as his flesh
became saturated with
the adrenalin of terror..
it took 12 arrows to
bring him down..
while he was not yet
dead they stripped him
of his skin..
to make a coat
.. drew and quartered
his muscles
.. made salami
of his bowels..
and reduced and defined
him by the number of
points on his antlers
.. they divided his
lots amongst them.

THE Spirit Unites

Opinions divide.
The Spirit Unites.
Holy Spirit, may
differences of opinion
be lifted on Your Spirit
May they be as pleasing
to us as the differences
among the grapes
purpling on the vine
.. the orbs of orange
in the garden Divine..
.. the gold pears
in Your arbor shrines..
.. the crimson cherries
on which Your birds dine
.. the blueberries in
which Your sun shines
..the pink raspberries..
of Grace Your sign..
... the brown filberts
in holy circles, not lines
... the kelly green peas
near Your jadeneedled pines
and the black beans gold
corn plants entwine
the blackberries pendant
from their twig spines

Word Made Flesh

The Word of
The Word Made Flesh
.. is have mercy on
and Eat No Flesh


Out of the heavens
the Lord spoke in thunder
the animals I have joined
together.. let no
human put asunder
.. their purpose
is joy
.. their life is wonder

Answered Prayers

As he saw.. his fears
were allayed..
for there was the sun
in mornlight arrayed
.. there were the trees
with springblooms sprayed..
.. answered were all
prayers.. that he had prayed

Faith Becomes Knowledge

Faith did upward
from the heartrocks
and run through ryefields
into rivers of knowing
did merge in
the sea's community..
before upward assumed
by God Sun into unity

HE Touches Peace

Whenever he puts his
hand on his Heart,
he touches Peace Itself

(to P Yehl)


Jesus was knocking
on my heart's door
I told Him to come
back later..
and then discovered
He lived Inside.

God indwells every
no matter what
we have done..
tiny clouds on earth
can't bar
the blazing infinite

Wounds ARE NOW Wands

Whether widowers or wed,
windkissed we wend
the winding way.
What a wonder to see
His wounds.. and ours too!
have become
magic wands.
Wednesday is no longer
for woe.

Ribbons Before THE Gift

The ribbons arrive before
the gift...
the rippling ribbons of
dawn arrive
before the gift:

pops onto the horizon
the present
.. of the sun's presence

as the gifts of the Spirit
are often present
before the fruits.

Patricia Joan Jones

She flows along the paths
of life, scattering jewels
for all in her wake.


Coconut Palm

Sweet coconut palm
with allgiving palms..
His leaves his psalms
His coconuts his alms
and his oil can be
turned into soap of balm.
In one palm gesture
he bequeaths....
the shell-dish
..the pulp meal
and the inner sun..

external balm
from his inner calm.

(to the Mayasandra family
which has always continued
this generosity)

Frank Sinatra

She dreamt that Frank Sinatra was living in a small
simple cell by the street.. and giving very great gifts
to all who passed by.. and thought angels were telling her that
bound by his body cell, he had given his all to all.


To hoard or
count farthings
.. from her soul
is a far thing


to the generous heart of N Natelson

Encircled BY HER Generosity

The fruit tree's trunk,
a vertical radius..
sign of pi
.. is encircled by
her generosity..
round her feet
lies a circle of fruit
.. some of it will be pies

Elsewhere in the woods
the sun's divine current
is transformed into currants

Omar Vizquel

He gives not 100% but 200%
of his soul.
As we see his unequaled skill
As we see his unequaled will

we couch potatoes
are by him enfired..
and some of us
rise up to dance
.. others to do work
we thought impossible

(Writer recognizes that baseball owners are pricegougers, alcohol and trash meat (hot dogs) mongers, encouraging the diversion of energy from the changing of society to spectator sports.. nevertheless the sports ballet of the great is inspiring)

Hawaiian Avocado

Walking in the untouched
mountains of Hawaii..
there were green jewels
at our feet..

fallen from the trees
avocados ripe and free

Not too far away
a breadfruit.. 1000
diamonds on its skin..
each a different
shade of red, orange,
gold, saffron, ruby,

There really is

TV Tower

Gives entire
what it receives .. does
The tv transmission tower.
.. not holding on to anything
is the source of its very great power

Unmetered is more poured

Cornucopia OF Acorns

Most for the squirrels
and new baby trees
some for you
and some for me


The vacuum created
by giving
angels always fill
With higher gifts
their coffers spill.


The sky with mercy
sprinkles the earth.

Pear trees with
detachment drop
fall leaves on the
Peach trees with
sprinkle peaches
on the ground.
December winds
sprinkle snow
upon the ground.
April apple trees with
fragrance sprinkle
petals on the ground.

Do not expect
Apples of April
unless God's
miracles are around.


"If you build it
he will come"
.. "the field of dreams"

.. let go
let it flow


giving creates
the vacuum
.. creates the space
in which the miracles
.... take place


God beyond
time's parameters
all space perimeters
has on supply and
.. no cruel meters

Mango Branches

Mango branches cut
the full moon pie
into pieces for all
.. and then she is
once again whole..
like the flame
which enkindling gave entire
yet keeps undiminished
its omnipotent fire

Signature Seeds

Each apple bears
the signature seeds.
Every spple tree
gives infinity.


Do rainarrows
from the rain-bow?

Looking AT THE Clouds

Yesterday in an unusually holy
atmosphere in another city
I was confronted again
by some of the clouds
which block the inner sun:
my desire for debate, jealousy,
spirit of rejection, ego, greed, lack
of discipline, anger, hoarding, sloth after
eating too much, my isolation,
scarcity consciousness, the
way I live in my head not my heart,
in my linear mind instead of
spherical spirit,
my lack of focus on priorities

You tell me Lord of Love not
to focus on the problems
but the reality, not the dark void
of space, but the shining star.

Thank You God for continuing to
unfold my oneness with You
despite my resistance.

Thank You God for inaugurating
Your peaceable kingdom now..
one in which no being is harmed.

YOU ARE Part OF THE Trinity

With you and me
and all holy spirits
The Father and the Son
... are
always One

(elohim... is a plural

Flower Trail

Toward Utah they rolled
dropping millions of seeds
which did unfold
as God had scrolled
(despite birds' seedeating
editing the script)
into bright sunflowers
and a trail of gold.

(to those who run ldsveg.org)

Christian Vegetarian

J Iscariot
with his cruel lariat
and enslaved horse
as chariot
slammed down
the runaway
whose name was Harriet
.. but by spirit
power he was converted
and she was saved
the trays of Holiday Inn
Hilton or Marriott.

(to Stephen Kaufman, MD,
a founder of Christian Vegetarian
Assn. christianveg.com)
(not meant as a judgment
of any other path)


Not in the eagle's beak
but upon his wings shall we rise.

Multiplied Crowns OF Thorns

Untold millions of miles of barbed
wire fence in the West..
designed to confine
innocents before their slaughter..
Millions of times calves and cows
have been
caught on the barbed hooks,
sometimes wrapped like a lighted
fir tree, except that the lights
are thorned barbs.
Everywhere the cattle industry
crucifies God's animals.

Isaiah: I delight not in your blood


Atheists and vivisecting 'scientists'
like to ridicule Christian 'naivete'
.. they cannot see the manger light
surrounding His nativity.

NOT A Locus OF Locusts

It was not upon a locus of locusts
that John the Baptist fed
but the bean pod of
the locust tree which was his bread

Mother Earth Miracle Worker

The mountain snows
which long ago froze
have melted to flow
and scent the rose.
Now waters Alpine
do nurse the pines
and become grape wine
of Venetian vines.
Mother Earth like you
said Jesus can do greater things.
She daily turns snows alpine
into water and then wine.


Did Peter leave his body
more quickly than Jesus
because he was hung upside

THE Iraq IN Miraqle

Millions are finding the Iraq
within mIraqle..
as they fast and pray
and work and visualize
and network for peace.

Now peacefully will
be thrown
warmongers from
their violent thrones

Upon His Peacemakers
Upon His now Peter Rocks
He builds the church
of Peace in Iraq

Arrayed IN THE SUN'S Rays

Jesus said Solomon in all his glory
is not as beautifully arrayed
as lilies

Their garments of bloom
are not their essence..
each flower has a spirit

They are arrayed by the sun's rays
When plucked was a rose
her petals gradually shed
her spirit to God arose

Christ Clouds

Little Christ cloud shreds
by the wind sped
have their forms shed
as their mercy
to all spread.

And God has said
Their water drops will wend
their ways to the waves
to be then uplifted
to the Sun

Fleece ON THE Hawthorn Bush

the little sheep found herself partially shorn
.. saw her fleece on the bush's hawthorns
..she felt suddenly lighter, in joy reborn
... and grateful as she faced a warm April morn

Repeat THE Name

The repeated
names of Abba and Jesus
the aid
of angels' pinions.
and give us dominion
over Satan's minions

(to holy Tim and Melinda)

Veronica'S Veils

Veronica's veils...
Every dewdrop and puddle
Every pond and lake and bay
reflects the Face of the Risen Sun
reflects the Face of the Risen Son

(to Veronica T)

Rainbow ARC

The Rainbow Arc is a multihued
band between Father God
and Mother Earth..a reminder
of His vow
that He will never
again flood entire Earth
or her creatures.

From Good Friday TO Easter Sunday

A dreamer was given a vision
of a US White House resident
striding into her home
and over to an oil painting
vision of the crucifixion.
He had a palate with him
and painted over the entire
canvass with broad pastel
strokes of Easter.
Golgotha dark and specific
became abstract pastels

(* the dreamer interpreted
this to mean that the harrassment
of peace, animal rights, environment
and other activists would end..
perhaps with the removal of
the regime)

. 5 murderers pardoned by God
. 11th Hour Woorker
. 23rd Psalm
. 30 pieces of gold
. ablutions and absolutions
. allen
. angelfill
. answered prayers
. apple core
. arrayed in the sun's rays
. barabbas
. bellies of octopi
. beyond
. black eyed susan
. bluehanded waterfall
. caesar
. Chalice visions
. Christian cockroaches
. Chosen
. Christ Clouds
. Christ's Movie Entire
. Clara T
. Clement Lemons
. Cornucopia of acorns
. Dec 28
. Easter Basket
. Encircled by her generosity
. Eternal chain of kindness
. eurydice
. executed felon
. Faith to Knowledge
. fingers pointing
. fleece on the hawthorn bush
. flower trail
. frank sinatra
. Gail
. Gentle genesis
. Gone the gray
. Grapes of wrath
. Hawaii
. Hawaiian avocado
. Hawaiian spirit
. He touches peace
. Honeysuckle heralds
. How Jesus Came To Mary
. Isaiah
. J Iscariot
. Jesus' Fig Tree
. Jesus Beyond Time
. Jesus Preferred Stable to Steeple
. John Candy
. keys to hell
. Knock
. Lazarus come forth
. Lilies of the Field
. looking at clouds
. Mango Branches
. Mingled Blood
. Morning rays
. Mother Earth, Miracle Worker
. multiplied crowns of thorns
. nativity light
. nearthing
. nimbo
. no stones no swords
. not a locus of locusts
. not cowardice
. nuthatch
. octopi
. omar vizquel
. out of the blue, out of the brown
. patricia joan jones
. Peter
. Presence
. Rainbow Arc
. Rain Arrows
. Repeat the Name
. Resonate
. Ribbons Before the Gift
. River Wine
. Samson Pillars
. Sandi Patty
. Scattering Jewels
. Skyshower
. Signature seeds
. Spirit Waters
. spirit unites
. stygian rivers
. the iraq in miraqle
. they Have Divided My Lots
. Thunder
. tv tower
. universal showers
. vacuum
. veronica's veils
. Windstar
. Word Made Flesh
. What Hurt Jesus' Heart Most
. when is the opera over
. Wounds to Wands
. you are part of the Trinity


11th Hour Worker poem to M McDermott 1. Heard in meditation: "Inside the chalice of wrath is the blood of Jesus." 2. Vision of a Y of streets.. at its intersection in the bricks.. there was blood 3. Was told by someone that a common symbol is 2 swords upside down in a chalice. This can be 2 former enemies united in the chalice of communion.. or a triangle of 2 men and 1 woman the painful effects of which must be worked out or else cancelled through grace. Four Murderers Given Clemency by God Moses murdered an Egyptian in anger David murdered Uriah in lust. Cain murdered Abel in jealousy. Paul murdered Christians in obedience to a cruel state. All suffered afterward. Yet God spared their lives. (Commercially harvested grains kill many animals and are sometimes sprayed with insecticides 3 or more times..) Please download on the web on rice, cotton, scrap, nontree paper, or 100% recycled

Author's Notes/Comments:

Clara T's rosary links
turned gold at St Jude's
when she was praying
for another. There were
3 witnesses to this.

-----THE Question OF Jesus AND Fish

Three OF Many Interpretations

1 The Greek word for the fish of the miracles of loaves..
is opsarion.. or pickled fish. Jesus materialized something chemically
identical to dead fish without suffocating innocent fish. (Albert of Michigan
is one of many who follow this interpretation.)

2. Jesus materialized fishes for others but did not eat it Himself. He did
this feeling that the world at that time was not ready for the Genesis 1:29
fruitarian world prescribed by His Father.

3. The most radical with the fewest adherents is that of the father of Edwin Booth, a 19th Century
pastor, who said that if there had been no fish suffocation there
would have been no crucifixion.

River Wine is to George B    



-saiom shriver-


Shroud of Turin

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From a Roman road,
a longago Robert saw
the nail-riven robe-robbed Rabbi,
and resolved evermore
to robe the poor


mmy website is veganchistianity.wordpress.company 


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Evening Star's picture

I love it!!!Great job.And just curious is the rabbi Jesus?You said He was nail-riven and robe-robbed,sounds like Jesus to me.I love how Robert was inspired to robe the poor because of this.It's reminds me of how the Bible says whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me.So when we help the poor we're really helping Jesus.Well there my thoughts on your poem.Keep writting!!!