Purple Butterfly on Channel 8


I married a widower with 2 children. One day my stepson came in from mowing the lawn.
He was upset that the mower had chopped a leg off of a toad. That day I decided not to mow the lawn anymore. My husband agreed.  The next year I did a press release on 14 reasons
not to mow and sent it to the media. Channel 8 in Cleveland made an appointment.
We lived in one of those developments in which the houses all looked alike.
Thinking that no one would understand seeing a house full of high weeds next to
perfectly manicured lawns, I decided to cancel the tv interview but could not reach
the videographer.  He did not knock on the door but instead went into the back yard
in which on a 6 ft high thistle plant's lavender blossom a 6 inch wide royal purple
butterfly alighted and moved his wings back and forth.  That was the whole tv show.. no sound.. countless numbers saw that butterfly.  Never before nor since have i ever seen
a butterfly even a quarter of that size nor a solid purple butterfly.  My guru in India
told a mutual friend that he had taken the form of the purple butterfly.

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