A Carnivorous Animal With Prey


A five year old girl in a
lace trimmed dress
holds two leashes
made of pink ribbons.
They are attached
to a thousand pound
cow. The
caption is
'a carnivorous animal
and her prey'.

The picture described above
was published by the Millenium Guild
over a century ago.

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patriciajj's picture

Tasteless humor that says it

Tasteless humor that says it all about the meat industry. And they're still churning out idealized images of carnivorous lifestyles while animals are being tortured behind the scenes. If people could see the brutality that went into their steaks, perhaps dead animals wouldn't look so appetizing. Great commentary. 

Pungus's picture


Chef's these days are calling their steaks "sexy"

bananas are the perfect food

for prostitues