Crucifixion Oil Painting Covered With Pastels


I was given a dream or a vision  
that Bill Clinton strode into
a room and up to an easel with an
oil painting of the crucifixion done
in dark colors specific. He picked up a
palate, and with bold swaths
covered the painting with Easter
resurrection pastels abstract,
joyful and pacific.
Many had worked to keep Clinton
in office. He had refused to go
along with Bush 1's illegal invasion

of Iraq. It was no accident
that Linda Tripp of Delta Force
and Lucianne Goldberg of the right
wing publishing house Regnery had
coached M. Lewinsky on actions such as
saving her blue dress. The objective
(as 45 million in taxpayer money was
spent investigating Clinton's private sex life)
was to get Clinton out of office so that
neocons could keep making war on Iraq.

Few of us endorse every action of a



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And what was your

And what was your interpretation of the dream?
