The Sun In Water


The sun is not present

in his reflection on the sea.

But his light is there

for all to see.

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patriciajj's picture

Every once in a great while,

Every once in a great while, and it's rare, lightening strikes at the turn of a phrase. Like now. I feel like I just read volumes of poems in one flash of your brilliance. I have to say it: a masterpiece. 

saiom's picture

Dear Kind Lady


Dear Patricia, You are always kind..

I am grateful that you project your own boundless talent

onto my poems.   Love to you



Co3ru135c3n7's picture

THAT is one of the most

THAT is one of the most profound statements I have ever read at postpoems, or any other poetry (and I have been reading poetry since 1973).  I really mean that.
