I've been waiting in this place for too long
There's nothing in my heart except a hope
That I may reach you with this song
I've been watching you ruin your life too long
There's nothing I can do to change you
But to build a new bridge.
Build a new bridge to freedom
Build a new bridge to life
Reach out
Reach out and grab my hand
I can help you build your bridge.
I've been willing to help my entire bloody life
There's nothing I'd like more
Than to see you build that bridge
Build a new bridge to sanity
Build a new bridge to life
Build a new bridge to freedom
Buid a new bridge to reality.
A compassionate piece. Written in the tone of a good friend. Building bridges is important, for how else can we get to the other side? Yeah and too many people continually burning them.
Nice work. I look forward to reading some more of your work.