Truth in the Morning Mist

Truth in the Morning Mist

Morning rise, early to your feet, stretch your body to feel alive

I cringe at the feeling of openness

I feel so vulnerable this early, so new and fresh, for it is a new day to meet

I greet the world head on, and delay a while until I hear the siren and I must jet

Where am I to go? I am streaming, full speed, into what?

Well, I arose to start afresh; I wanted to travel a road, preferably, less traveled

Who knows where it is to flow?

I go.  I engulf the curiosity. 

It is always a good day as I learn the essence of this space I fulfill

I feel joy as I breathe into the depth of what my curiosity has prepared

I try to unwind effortlessly, but there is energy flowing from the tips of fingers to the tips of my toes

The midsection is mingling with the thoracic, letting it know the secrets to goodness

My feet are bothering my mid, asking why it won’t abide?

I feel bliss.  I am engulfed in union.  I shush my inner mingling’s.

I wince at the thought; I wane; I wax side-to-side a little and then I surrender it all to seal my day.

For, it is dark and the energy must fade.

I am home; time to shed the glory, shed the pain, shed the fear, and shed the symphony that is life

The layers unravel with ease and I take a hot shower, quick, heat my body to warm it as I prepare to hibernate amongst the silky sheets that seem to be stalking me.

I feel utterly content.  I sigh, as if I want more, I kind of giggle at the thought, ha, so phony

I lay my head and my mid starts chatting with my thoracic and I call it quits.

Inhaling, deeply through my nose, exhaling the day I have conquered, I am at rest.



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A Day

Each day is fresh, greeted for its wonders. we break ourselves on  each day, the rest.
