I wrote here, yesterday, that I would not post anything today in commemoration of Matthew Shepard's death, but I was given a small miracle today, perhaps because of his intercession, so I will bear witness to it here, on this day on which it happened.
A couple of years ago, I purchased a crucifix on a necklace chain. The crucifix is metallic blue. On its reverse, on the crossbeam, my handle/screen name appears in white letters. I liked, and like, it so much that I purchased a spare. Shortly after I purchased the second one, the company ceased production and went out of business.
Several weeks ago, I discovered that the spare was missing. It was not in the special place where I keep it. I searched thoroughly, but was unable to locate it. This caused me some distress, because it made the crucifix around my neck irreplaceable.
This afternoon, looking down at the floor as I stood up in some medical distress (my supra-pubic catheter has failed, and this causes some pain in the bladder; standing temporarily alleviates the pain), I saw the missing crucifix. However, its location is what proves the miracle. I see that part of the floor a hundred times a day; it was not there when last I looked earlier today.
I believe that Matthew is aware of my belief that he is in Heaven with our Lord, Jesus. I believe he inquired (Rebelation 6:10; Psalm 27:4) of our Lord so that my missing crucifix would be retrieved. People in hell do not intercede for those of us on earth; only the Heavenly residents, the redeemed of the great congregation (Psalm 35:18).
Matthew Shepard is in Heaven with Christ; and no disbeliever's intrusive invective can disprove it.
And it proves that the Lord loves us---even me---so much that He will assist even with a missing piece of engraved metal. He will also help with the more pressing, and greater, problems (which seem to be mounting for me) as well.
I hope and pray that you have
I hope and pray that you have found some relief from your physical anguish. My prayers go out to you in abundance and often. But in spite of your discomfort, you managed to be the cavalry over the hill by sharing your truly remarkable experience. It was a blessing on three levels:
First, there's no problem too large or too small that the One Who Watches Sparrows won't help us with because we are loved unconditionally and immeasurably.
Second, this seems like Matthew's way of saying: "I appreciate the remembrance, but hey, no need for sorrow. I'm doing great!" There are plenty of NDEs that prove that God is absolute, inexpressable love, and this extends to those who many religious people, in their ignorance, condemn because of their sexual orientation. In The Light, there's only one burning question: how much did we love?
Third, it's a miracle! We can all use a miracle in our life now and then, but the timing of your own personal sign and wonder was particularly intriguing.
I was lifted to a much higher place today by your thrilling testimony. Much needed refreshment! Thank you!
Thank you so much for the
Thank you so much for the comment, and for understanding and validating what I was attempting to say. And I appreciate your prayers. Although the catheter has totally failed, I have found some measure of relief from the initial pain such a failure causes, and the urologist was able to see me at 2:15 tomorrow on an emergency basis.
You reminded me of a Scripture of which I should be far more cognizant at my age, and which I have, in my usual careless way, neglected: Luke 7:47, in which Jesus equated forgiveness and how much we have loved, exactly as you said in your comment. I must keep this verse in the forefront of my mind as I continue to approach my departure time.
You have helped me more today than you might have anticipated when you posted the comment, and I appreciate the kindness.
Starwardized [fka Starward]