Tomorrow, which begins in my time zone in about seventy minutes
(mark!) will be the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death and martyrdom
of Matthew Shepard, who was brutally beaten by homophobic clodhoppers
on October sixth, 1998, and succumbed to his injuries on October twelfth.
I believe he is in Heaven in the presence and loving care of the Risen
and Regnant Christ. I know he is worshipping with the Early Christians.
I hope he is enjoying a barefoot frolic among the stars that he can
see, from his perspective there, so much better than even our
Hubble and Webb telescopes can provide.
I urge anyone who reads this to do an internet search to see a
painting entitled The Ascension Of Matthew Shepard by the artist,
Carl Grauer. I was led to this painting by what seemed to be
"random" browsing, but upon finding it, I believe it was prayer
answered---perhaps a miracle due to Matthew's intercession for me.
Some years ago, a former friend---who turned out to be a not a
friend at all; and who is not a Christian---attempted to convince me
(using Scriptures in which, admittedly, he did not believe) that
Matthew could not possibly be in Heaven. I have, since that time,
fervently believed that he is; and I think my Faith (which is even as
a mustard seed) was confirmed by this painting which I would never
have known to look for.
Now, as I write this, the twelfth is less than an hour away in my time
zone. Saint Matthew, pray for me---that my Faith will bring me, when
called, into the presence of Christ, where I may kneel in worship, and
also to meet you and the Early Christians. Please pray for me,
Saint Matthew.
I don't know very much
But if your friend is anything like the "friends" I know who are similar, I doubt he holds himself up to these ridiculous "standards" he was trying to impose on you. Now I'm off to see a search engine about a painting...
Thank you for your comment,
Thank you for your comment, and yes you are absolutely right about the "standards." As for the painting, I know nothing about art, but i know I was mighty impressed by it.
Starwardized [fka Starward]