Please pray for me

My medical issues seem to be accelerating toward a more negative impact.

In October, I will have a couple of medical procedures, and a consult with the cardio-vascular surgeon.  My legs have become horrible with the retention of fluid due to my chronic heart failure; and my dizzy spells (no pun intended) have now multiplied from once every couple of days to several times a day.  I have a growth on the side of my foot that looks like a miniature nose, and it is excruciatingly painful.  I hope they can remove it, but based upon a previous surgical experience, I will have to set seventeen doctors and their siblings to sign off on it, so that the podiatrist can proceed.

For the next twenty-two days, I hope to be wrapping up some "loose ends" among my poems onsite; little carelessnesses and other alterations.  If, as I suspect, I have a hospital stay ahead, I do not want to worry about these "loose ends"  While I am not afraid of being called out of this world and into my Savior's glorious presence, I am afraid of leaving an incomplete job among my poems.

I admit I need your prayers.  Please pray for me.

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As soon as I write this, I

As soon as I write this, I will be praying immediately and with faith that you are in the best of hands and that everything will work out for your highest good. May your work here be blessed and may love, light and angels surround you always.