@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Celadus The Thraex [XLIX]

Celadus, master of the Thracian style, is

gorgeous in beauty---of Ethiopia

and Thrace:  it vivifies even his waist-length

dreadlocks.  When has such beauty ever adorned

Pompeii's arena?

But hacking men apart for our applause means

less to Celadus than his younger boyfriend's

embrace (especially nude):  lithe, slender, long

hair like gold silk; enthralled by Greek poetry---

Celadus' boyfriend. 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Versification of a prose translation by Zeph Zuilderzee.  I am grateful to the scholars Taphless Gibler and Nizhny Novgorod for their explication of this ancient poem's original text---as graffiti in Pompeii.

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