@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Sijos For Forty-one And Twenty, And Age Differences [ /;\ ]

At forty-one years old, he knows how to satisfy a man.

At twenty years old, you snuggle into his embrace, both of

you almost naked (neither having removed those fragrant sheer socks).

His right hand gently clasps you, rhythmically harvesting your warm

sweetstuff, which you launch to release in five strong surges---without

the least concern for age differences, or haters' gossip.


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Pungus's picture

Ya, sounds llke he, the

Ya, sounds llke he, the protagonist, might consider rape in future lawsuit?? Then again, too bad it hasn't been pursued

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

S74rw4rd's picture

Rape is not involved, why

Rape is not involved, why would you think so?  This is a poem about lovers:  rape does not enter their intimacy.


Pungus's picture

Anything gay, is rape.

Anything gay, is rape.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

S74rw4rd's picture

Please do not use my poems'

Please do not use my poems' comment sections as platforms for expression of homophobia.  I thought to delete your comment, but I think, rather, it should remain as proof of the silliness, almost clownish, of homophobia.
