Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; To The Holy Passion-Bearer Tsarevich Alexei At Yekaterinburg

You bloomed in adolescent beauty, casually barefoot,

cautious only to bridle that horrific blood disease.

But that craven bastard, Lenin, ordered his thugs to put

you to death, for his single-minded purpose:  to appease

his need to wreak vengeance (and for that damned blood thirst

his soul writhes in a blaze of agony, forever cursed).

But Christ received you into sainted martyrdom---

above "Partiya Lenina" those brutal trash and scum.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

The last line quotes from the anthem of the now defunct Soviet Union (as dead as that stiff in Lenin's Tomb).

The poem was inspired by a series of photographs of Alexei.  In each, he is barefoot:  this cannot be a coincidence.

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I love your torrents of

I love your torrents of history i love how you express it intimately like from the inside out! 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

S74rw4rd123d's picture

Thank you so  much for

Thank you so  much for that very encouraging comment!!!

Starwardized [fka Starward]