@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Two Young Men, Of Legal Age In Your State. Who Are Probably Still Naked [NSFW]

"The constellation, Antinous, had aligned properly;

"we thought; or perhaps an extension of July's run of sultry weather

"was in store.  While making love, we achieved orgasmic simultaneity---

"at the peak of our bodies' pleasure, we, both, came together;

"which confirmed the moment our souls merged in intimacy."


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Antinous is a constellation established by the Emperor Hadrian in memory of his deceased lover.  I believe that homophobic politcs caused the IAU to disestablish it.

The third and fourth lines present an actual conversation shared with me just a day or two ago.

The idea of souls merging during Homosexually romantic (and usually naked) intimacy was first conveyed to me by a pre-med student in the summer of 2008.


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Craign1979's picture

Very nice

Erotic and beautiful. Nicely done.

S74RW4RD's picture

Thanks muchly.

Thanks muchly.
