Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; For David C., After The Song Of Solomon 1:2 [Repost]

[David, 1950-2017]

Lord, tonight I offer these prayers on my Rosary

on behalf of (among several others---

for whom I prayed) the beautiful David C.:

I hope he has entered Your Heavenly

Kingdom.  Your Mercy, and Your Blessed Mother's,

prevents all haters' prejudiced perfidy

from entrance to that Holy Place above

and among the stars, prepared by Your Love.

This supplication is made in Faith that is full

of long-abiding joy, held in sinceriity.

Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on, and bless, David's soul.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I loved, desired, and fantasized about him, from afar (as they say), 1971-74.

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