That whole Saturday afternoon in September---
balmy, temperate, and summer still not quite
over---not yet giving way to cooler Autumn---
he spent most of that day clad in a formal
dress shirt, and cuffed dress slacks; and
dislike the confinement and discomfort that
shoes impose, he had taken them off---his
striped socks gliding across the back yard
repeatedly. Later, in our bedroom (with a
multiplicity of stars in the window), and
entirely naked (that mane of long curls
profuse and thick, and nearly covering the
pillow), he propped his bare feet on my
shoulders while his intimate crevice gently
but firmly received and enclosed me. As I
thrust eagerly, I turned my head to either
side to inhale and taste (without the least
inhibition imposed by old prudes' and
haters' opinions) the fragrance and flavor of
chlorophyl, the invisible grass stain on his
soles, and on and between his toes---the
nails of which had been enameled metallic blue.