Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; One Rather Busy Morning Outside The City Limits

When the rope, which had been largely disqualified by cheapness,

snapped due to the weight it had suspended, its still twitching

burden tumbled to the rocks below to shatter upon (and stain

with a swift and fluid gush) the stony surface beneath that

chosen height; and a neck, bent at a somewhat unexpected

angle, managed to turn a purpled face, its wide eyes glazing

over in the final processes f death, toward yonder distance;

where, upon a slight ridge of unpleasantly imperial usefulness,

three assembled crosses inflicted uncompromising and relentless 

agonies upon three victims of Roman wrath, which---by this

hour of late morning---had cast off the elegant robes

(disguise and pretense) of judicial procedure, one third of

which had been rather tragically misinformed and misdirected.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Matthew 27:1-5, Acts 1:18, John 19:1-18

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