@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Horrifically Speculative, This Is No Mere Science Fiction Tale

Do not laugh at this speculation;

it carries the trump of probability.

Crying, "Remember January Sixth,"

which sometimes sounded like a madman's plea,

the thugs and haters sought to wipe out buggery

(as they called it), and efforts to deploy

their prejudice against any slender or lithe,

long-haired, and shoeless or barefoot adolescent boy

who might be suspected having discovered that his nature

was "homosexual"---a word, a nomenclature

the gathered thugs, bullies and haters could not understand

fully; but simply and ignorantly despised and hated

all who loved or were loved "that way."

Thus they gathered to demand

that all such young men be eradicated

by mass extermination.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The results of the November election will open or close certain doors.  Behind these doors, monstrosities lurk . . . .

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