Footnote: Thoughts Of An Old Man, Probably Near To Being Put In "The Home"

Like stunted flowers

at autumn's end, my flesh fails,

daily; but my soul

can still imagine soars toward

the stars with each breath taken.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was inspired by several of Shiki's Haiku and Tanka, as translated by Janine Beichman.

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patriciajj's picture

After reading a Shiki, I can

After reading a Shiki, I can honestly say that his essence blazes fierce and eloquent within your words. Poignant, victorious and precious, this work of art deserves to be framed and displayed for the ages. And Iā€™m not blowing smoke. Mean that.


Congratulations, fine Poet! 

S74rw4rd123d's picture

Thank you so much, that is

Thank you so much, that is quite a compliment.  The poem emerged from a humorous conversation at the same time I was reading Shiki---a moment when two different waves came to shore at the same time.  Thanks again for your visit to the poem.

Starwardized [fka Starward]