I understand, now, Cavafy, your anguish
of separation---unable to achieve
nearness to the Beloved, deprived of his
presence as retained in memory,
or else fantasy.
Author's Notes/Comments:
I had not fully comprehended the anguish of which Cavafy wrote, until recently. But he found a coping mechanism, in the poem, "Very Seldom," (in the translation by Keeley and Sherrard).
As I read the pain-torn poem
As I read the pain-torn poem by Cavafy you referenced, I sensed shades of your own travail as expressed in many of your excellent poems. A worthy tribute to a legendary talent.
Thank you so very much for
Thank you so very much for that comment. Looking at the several failed relationships and missed opportunities in his past, Cavafy found a way to redeem them by bringing what was beautiful (or instructive) in them into a lasting poetry in which others could, in a way, commune in his fellowship even after his soar had gone on to the stars. In the last few days, I have been feeling my own massive list of failures and miss-outs very sharply. I should like to think that the poems that emerge from that chaos can, provides, as Cavafy said, "a perception of the beautiful" to those who read them.
Starwardized [fka Starward]