Footnote: Halloween Poem

I ask you to give to your imagination

pause to engage in the eerie consideration

of what horrific and ghastly, but living, monstrosities

(created, perhaps by wild genetic mutations)

might dwell in a city's storm sewer system;

things that can be called by the term, "abomination";

things that elude or defy even science's wisdom;

things that radically skew, or at least confuse,

our sense of our own existence and our reality

(not to mention the rather chilling possibility

to nourish them---perhaps our descendants' destiny).

The thought is unpleasant, one we do not mind to lose

to the deluge of mundane chores and the responsibilities

to extend and expand the stockholders' equity;

and to nourish our employers, the monolithic corporations:

are they not, also, some rather malformed monstrosities?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

In my working career after college, February, 1982 through November, 2019, I worked for four corporations---three major and one local.  The three major corporations were brutal in their disregard of their employees, and in their attitude (expressed to me between 2004 and 2012), "We can train any monkey to do what you do."  And although all four demanded unconditional loyalty (the first one for whom I worked actually had a paragraph in the Employee Instruction book about what kind of political candidates we should favor with our votes), none of the four showed any loyalty to the employees outside the workday or the facility.  They are more of an abomination than all of the monsters that gothic horror or science fiction can imagine.

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