@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Reaching To Rescue "Fairy Jerry"

You, who the bullies once called "Fairy Jerry,"
I cannot just leave stranded in my past,
a timid and, sometimes, craven outcast,
met (in those days) with an extraordinary
parental and social indifference
regarding that ghastly experience.
Let me, from this stance, lift you up above
that dank cesspool to which you feel condemned,
and from the circumstances that have hemmed
you into a corner that none can flee---
just because of the way you want to love
and be loved:  for this, we have Poetry,
this series which has taken inspiration
from you, and from our lifelong conversation.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From sixth through tenth grade I was very often bullied, mostly verbally but (from time to time) physically as well; mostly in the classroom, and (for the two years) in the secular youth organization to which my parents compelled me to belong (they relented and allowed me to withdraw my membership in June, 1971).  For the most part, the bullying ceased inexplicably during my Junior year in high school.  In the summer after my Senior year and graduation, I was given the c.b. handle Starwatcher, which allowed me to escape, finally, both the shadow of my parents' influence and of the derisive name "Fairy Jerry."  Starwatcher eventually evolved to Starward, then to J-Called---its final and and most inclusive form.

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