Ye also helping together by prayer . . .
---2 Corinthians 1:11
Some Christians say that they are burdened in prayer---
that burdening is too often emphasized,
perhaps to reassure themselves how much they care,
and how often they care through the hours of each day.
But in this poem, I would certainly like to say
(without regard to doubters whose disbelief
is often deployed with barbs to cause the Faithful grief)
that I believe we are privileged to pray,
for our brethren in the churches, and for those gone astray;
and to carry these causes starward to Heaven, there to lay
them before the Throne of Mercy and Grace.
Such is the kind of courtesy
that identifies the churches as a community---
to whom is given the comfort of Faith's spirituality
that, when fully active and realized
transcends the and redeems the insular locality
of any time and space.