Review: Bad Play Written By A Worse Poet

Banish its echo, first, to memory;

then deconstruct it in rhymed poetry:

choose this, rather than be further annoyed;

follow the most practical strategy

for disposition of its bold persistence

to claim what it can never have---existence.

It is an emptiness, a vacancy,

lacking both sense and spirituality;

at most, a shadow that cannot assail

the balance of your equanimity.

Its shrill performance is a comic ruse;

nor need you fear that it can wreak abuse.

It is an absence nothing needs to fill,

a nervous twitch that will, someday, lie still.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

A rather recent event called to mind an incident, or string of incidents, that began on September 9th, 1976, during freshman orientation at my college.  During that process, I met a fellow freshman who claimed to be a poet.  In every encounter---either with me, or that I witnessed---through the next four years, he always announced that he was a poet, but produced very little to demonstrate this.  During the middle term of our junior year, in a playwriting class, his play was one of several selected for the classmembers to perform.  I was not in the class, but he invited me to attend the performance.  Although I was not asked my opinion on the quality of his play, nor did I feel the need to express it (as this would have been both intrusive and inappropriate), I think it should be expressed today.  After all, ain't this a site in which we are not only free, but also encouraged, to write any damn thing that might come to mind?  Ain't it?

BTW, although I have looked up his name through multiple search engines since my first participation in the internet in 2001, I have never seen a poem by him, a book listed at the various bookseller, or even a mention on an alumni website.  He has fallen into obscurity; but, aw shucks, I am still here.

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