Reminiscing With An Old Friend

Two inappropriate letters you both sent and shared

were not particularly epistolary:

the accusations exchanged were rather ordinary---

your attempt to answer, with poetry,

the rather inane vehemence ov her insipid prose

a part of her rank inauthenticity).

You picked your words; she merely picked her nose.

And what would we have said, then, if we had been told

that we would recall this, four decades forward, now that we are old.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

In those days before e-mails and other social media platforms, two letters were all these two acquaintances shared between them; and the content of those letters caused a very visible breach that rocked the otherwise placid student body of the small liberal arts college I attended.  What was believed to have been a friendship of several years duration was proved to be no more than an acquaintanceship based upon superficial and unsteady foundations.

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