Sometimes words are too heavy and they sink in people like cannonballs in the ocean
Become entrenched in the sands under currents
Sometimes you think you can handle things and honestly have no idea until you do that you just can’t
Sometimes sorry is hollow
A word dropped like smoke ash to cover up the burn
Sometimes it goes unsaid
Most times it’s all the other person needs to be okay, reconcile, forgive, let it go
And almost absolutely always….
It comes too late
Last line is a kicker - they say it is never too late, they are wrong. What is smoke ash? For burns? - Lady A
whatever you want it to be??? I menat like the ahses from cigarettes on burns in skin...or spirit...
Much Love
Simply WOW!
You blew me away from that opening line, "Sometimes words are too heavy and they sink in people like cannonballs". I need to read this again later & see if the title jumps me. It had me leaning one way, but you knocked me out with the poem! Love it!
I figured you'd enjoy this one, it was the way I felt when i wrote it. I have this shell shocked, hollow, gapping feeling sometimes when I write and I have noticed that you ALWAYS love those poems, the gapping hole casim poems.... my fav part was the sorry is ash to cover the burn line
Much Love
I can idenify, after 30 years shell shocked, hollow & gapping feelings, but find find the beauty that lies within the ugliness. ;-)
diddo kiddo ;)
Much Love