She’s looking at me and I can barely see her
Half blurred tears in my eyes
A green and tan blob of skin and plaid buttoned shirt two sizes too large
A Grinch of a woman
Afraid to love you
Afraid to leave you
Afraid to feel anything in your arms
A beauty of a woman
A warm fleece buttoned shirt the texture of your hugs
A heavy minded reflection
Half blurred by tear shot eyes
Looking at me so I can barely see her
Or how you’ve changed her somewhere inside
WOW. Powerful. A must read
WOW. Powerful. A must read twice. That one little give away, making the entire poem have meaning, I love it. "A Grinch of a woman" really gives perspective in 5 words, only countered with "A beauty of a woman". There is no grinch without a heart and it all starts with loving yourself enough to love anything else. Great poem.
exactly! you so got it! glad you enjoyed the read :)
Much Love
"I should go" ;-)
Great poem! Great title! The knowing but uncertainty. You've stirred all the memories of the times when I knew it was time to move on, but reasons or excuses sapped my will, for better or worse.
and you my dear extracted the exact essence of my poem :) <3
Much Love