I wish you would kiss me like you were made for me
Like our bodies could collide endlessly in time
Crashing like waves upon a sea shore
In and out and in and out of love
Begging for more
I wish you would kiss me like you would never stop
Like night could go into day and day to night and all the world could lose the stars and I would still be there in your arms
Being kissed like there was no time and you were made for me
In one way or the other I
Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces
You are you and you are a poet, you have every right to judge how you feel about a poem
and I think you are right, we all look for this and feel loss and dis-satisfaction when we don't find it
sad thing is I wrote it mid kiss, asked him to pause because the poem came on and wrote it then took up the kiss again, and I wrote it because he WAS kissing me like that, because every kiss from the first kiss on was like that...and I don't know what to do with that information....or feeling....other than write
Much Love