This one’s for believing if only for it’s sake*

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I was born with the sea in my soul

And it’s not so much how emotions come and go like waves

It’s more how I always rock the boat

I taste like saltwater on your tongue

At first you want to spit me out yet after a couple seconds you always thirst for more

I evaporate shortly after touching you

Leaving tiny crystal bits of me to remind you how you need to shower

That I make you filthy

Dry you out

Get tiny grains of sand in all the wrong places

People swim in my tides and feel robbed of some sort of awe; like the seashells the ocean has always stolen from me I am brittle when the sun is out

I was born with the sea in my soul and it’s not so much how lovers come and go like waves


It’s more how I always rock the boat



Author's Notes/Comments: 

* 'it comes and goes in waves' sung by Greg Laswell

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nightlight1220's picture

Part of maintaining a healthy

Part of maintaining a healthy relationship IS rocking the boat sometimes. Could be me but I don't view love as "happily ever after Cinderella" love story. Ther are people out there who will find you well worth your just have to start looking at your "turbulence" as a strength that needs more skilled steering. Don't just hire a captain of your ship. Be it.



Love the write. You have so much skill its illuminous.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


running_with_rabbits's picture


oh man lights don't get me started on my view of love lol Disney would shit bricks! Liking someone is real love, that intsnese butterfly woe is me love is infactuation. 


:) and don't you worry my dear I am the captian of my ship, the porblme is I tend to steer it fast and change direction suddenly and passangers get sea sick ;)



Much Love


nightlight1220's picture

"Infact tuation" that

"Infact tuation" that one. Now there's one they should put in the dictionary...for real. Lol.


"Get infactuated so you don't get "infarctuated" finding out


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


running_with_rabbits's picture



Much Love


bishu's picture

Interesting writthought Respected RWR

Interesting writthought Respected RWR.Imagery of "soul" as "brine" I am off to fetch a new oar for my sailboat.Old oar is now rotten from being in 

sea-water for long decades.My sailor-cap has sand in it.My hair is matted from being at sea for long.Gues it needs shampooing also.I'll listen to the song by Greg Laswell Babu sometime if it's on Youtube.Reminds me of another song" We're in the same boat brother.(twice) When you rock one end you'll rock the other end..."



running_with_rabbits's picture


thank you my dear :) I love when comments are mini poems! the song didn't so much inspire the poem as I had the poem and then needed a title and it was the first song with waves which came up in google that  knew :) I was lucky that I found a lyric which fitted the feeling I was going for :)

Much Love


9inety's picture

I call it the

"sea inside of me."


but you said so much better that I did! Yeah , "I always rock the boat" yeah, that is me too, don't mean to but I always do..

one of your best poems. I gonna put this in ring around the prose... IT IS THAT AWESOME!!!




"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

running_with_rabbits's picture


thanks you Dylan I am honoured as always!


I checked out some of the titles in that folder by you, they look interesting, will be reading them when I have some time, might find time tonight infact :)


I always love it when my work relates to a poet I respect and admire!



Much Love


life_used_to_be_lifelike's picture

Fantastic!!!! I loved it!

Fantastic!!!! I loved it!

"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.

running_with_rabbits's picture


thanks dear :)

Much Love
