Are you warm enough?




But you are not close enough

Too many layers between us

The air

These cloths

Your sweat

My skin



View running_with_rabbits's Full Portfolio
allets's picture

RWR Recommendations for Portfolio Competition

Short and has everything a poem must to be a winner. Length is not the best criteria always, to be able to control words with precision is the thing, baby! - Love this one, adult, real, universal for man or woman - nice writing ~ A



running_with_rabbits's picture

:) thanks I have always liked

:) thanks

I have always liked this one a ton but it never seemed to be popular in the comments you know....

Much Love


allets's picture

Popular vs Excellence

U No Me, out on a limb with a saw, just because other poets like a poem that hits them where they live especially, may not be the best poems aesthetically or competively. I've edited and anthologized Phd's and shot down their "junk" poems that they liked because they were long. Quality is quality and degree or not, I'm good at this. I'm not good at much else, but winners for poetry contests is a forte. Plus, if you especially like a poem, then that's the one to choose. It's you, it says "YOU". Thanks for inviting me to recommend, suggestions chosen or not, it has been an honor. - Lady A



running_with_rabbits's picture


I really appreceate it! sometimes we as poets are too emoitonally envolved with our own work to see past it, or get it, so thats why you explaining why you pick poems is so helpful. I have never viewed this poem the way i did after reading your comment, it just popped out different for me. 


put all your recommendations on the long list, this one is short listed...

Much Love
