you don't listen to my words before speaking
fuck you don't even let me finish my sentence
you let it bounce around in your brain until about word five or six
then it's all out the other ear and your mouth
unless it can fuel your new found hatred and disgust in me
then it is carefully memorized and perfectly repeat while "we are the champions" by queen plays in the the space in your heart were my words belong
Damn it, Rabbit!
"then it is carefully memorized and perfectly repeat while "we are the champions" by queen plays in the the space in your heart were my words belong"
good damn it beavis or bad
good damn it beavis or bad damn it? wow you must be angry damn it or I thought I finally got that freakin smile to stick damn it?
Much Love
I'm so sorry Ashley! Good!;-)
I was tired and in a hurry and it never occurred to me that you could read that either way. Again, I'm sorry, my dear ;-) Good, of course!
ok good cause yea bad damn it
ok good cause yea bad damn it would have sucked lol
Much Love
DAMN BAD ASS if you ask me
DAMN BAD ASS if you ask me ASH! ;p
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
I forgot to mention, my bad
I forgot to mention, my bad ass love does this to me mid conversation only its Glory Glory Man Utd playing in his heart... So bloody annoying interrupted cut off and spat out rubbed in out of context at lesure... Boy there are some assholes on the planet... Mine sure stretch occasionally well past the tollerance point...
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."