For their last fuck he saved up for a hotel*



We should really end it
I mean my wife IS suicidal
And I am trying to make it work
And as much as you help me avoid my life
Forget my distress and negate my responsibilities
Hiding this is so much effort
So seems how it’s over now
Seems how we are done
I figured we should celebrate
You know go out with a BANG
So no more back seat Tim Horton’s parking lots and public parks at night
Only high class by the hour establishments from here on out
Whatda say?



Author's Notes/Comments: 


time, distance, and reflection have changed my perspective on how that relationship ended for my friends... things are never what they seem and society doesn't knwo it is pretty grey and that is a good thing

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SSmoothie's picture

Bit of a smooth title there!

Bit of a smooth title there! I loved it all! Hugs 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

running_with_rabbits's picture


good I am glad


Much Love


Timeful's picture

"Life is grey" pretty much

"Life is grey" pretty much sums it's all up. All of it. 

post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest. 

running_with_rabbits's picture


yup...yup it does...

Much Love


Timeful's picture



post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest.