


With your river the colour of Guinness
And your drinks the colour of young love
I will roll into you
And into you again
Until your hills become my home
And my own culture is insane

With your musical sounds of magic
And your lyrics crying a sorrowful joy
I will tap my foot
Tapping it in vain
Until you are all I am able to be
A smile found amongst the rain

With your river the colour of Guinness
And history of love in the green of the moss
I will fall into you
And into you again
Until your hills become my home
And your seas drown my pain



Author's Notes/Comments: 

:) I spent the evening above a pub sitting in a circle made around old singer sewing tables, listening to a group of older Irish gentlemen having a jam session of traditional music...I think I left my soul in the room :P

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9inety's picture

I am glad

you enjoyed the homeland...
I recently spent an evening with Paddy Moloney & The Chieftains...
I surmise you have plenty more memories and special moments to share.
I look forward to reading them...

Great writing from a great poet

stay safe
be happy

"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

running_with_rabbits's picture


thank you for you kind words
it is good to hear from you again my dear!

Much Love
