You were the first man I ever REALLY loved


I miss how when we slept you had to be holding me
How neither of us could stand to be apart
Even in our unconscious
In our dreams
We would look to find each other
I miss how you would always wake up
And despite your apparent chipper morning madness
You’d always look like you were at peace if I was there
Like you were waking the moist beautiful woman you have ever seen
I miss everything about you
About us
About me when I was with you
I miss how it felt to actually sleep
To truly love and be loved in return

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I probably should have told you that when i first relaised it but it is what it is and I didn't so

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HisWithNoDoubt's picture

Sometimes they Jus call u a

Sometimes they Jus call u a psycho bitch when u tell them the truth tho..

running_with_rabbits's picture

can't say I have ever had

can't say I have ever had that happen

Much Love
