If I sat at
a desk with
a blank sheet
of paper and
held my pen
in my hand
for four minutes
thirty-three seconds
to prove that
everything we
do is writing;
all I would have
done was wasted
my time.
everything we do is writing, we just don't always write it down ;)
of the writing process. Writing it down is the poet's best destiny. Cool concept - 4 min. 33 sec. - enjoyed the progression of the poem and fab ending :D
:) <3 look up the video if you haven't seen it.... it's funny and also annoying
Much Love
A New Definition
of the writing process. Writing it down is the poet's best destiny. Cool concept - 4 min. 33 sec. - enjoyed the progression of the poem and fab ending :D
:) <3 look up the video if you haven't seen it.... it's funny and also annoying
Much Love