Dependence makes a man these days



You need me to need you. In a way I can’t need anybody. At least not any more. It’s not your fault. Fault’s useless anyways. It’s just how things have played out in your life. How you’ve grown. With insecurities. Gaps in your worth. So you need to be needed. Searching for things to fill the space. You lack the tools to build for yourself. Maybe your mother didn’t hug you enough. Maybe your father was always distant. Maybe no one ever said good job when you brought home art from school. Maybe you never learned to create. Just destroy. Doesn’t matter. It is what it is. Blame is useless. You just need me to need you. In a way I can’t need anybody. At least not anymore. 

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KindredSpirit's picture

I like the poem

But everyone is needy ;

Whether they believe it 

Or not.


I have to add

In fairness to the explanation :

Some people don't know what they need.

But you are right and you know best

Your situation.

running_with_rabbits's picture


thanks love

Much Love
