Your words are yours



Words are only words when the moment’s at hand and you fail to make your tongue dance to the beat of your heart

So don’t worry

Because life is infinite

Time comes and goes without a warning

So this too shall pass and you miss out on nothing if you don’t risk something

And missing out is only half the fun

So go on

Let your fingers dance with your tongue

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Life; you got this even if you don't think you do <3

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life_used_to_be_lifelike's picture

this is the sweetest thing

this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done. Thank you. I fucking love it. And I will take heed, I promise. :)

"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.

running_with_rabbits's picture


<3 hang in there love, you can get through anything :)

Much Love


allets's picture

Yo! She Who Runs With Rabbits

This poem is upbeat and inviting to the reader to take a chance, get out there and do something. Infinite life was pretty optimistic, but I'm game - I want to live forever! See optimism and uplift. You made me happier, Ash. Thanks a bunch Bunkie! - Lady A



running_with_rabbits's picture


thank Life, she gave me the idea

Much Love


life_used_to_be_lifelike's picture

Both of you lovely ladies are

Both of you lovely ladies are dear to my heart. :)

"It is a terrible thing to be so open. It is as if my heart put on a face and walked into the world" -- Sylvia Plath.

running_with_rabbits's picture



Much Love


allets's picture


shucks mame. But yes, we cultivate dearness and invite all the poets on the site (Postpoems) to join us, because WE ROCK! ~(:D) ~A~

