Cupid shoots with such a careless arrow.
My plan of escape was my insolence.
The corridors were cluttered and narrow,
Proof I was lacking proper vigilance.
Now I sit by the door, stare at the phone,
Hope against hope 'till my senses come to.
The sun drops. Once again I'm all alone.
Where do I put this love I have for you?
It's relentless and does as it pleases,
Wreaking all kinds of havoc on my heart.
Our finest scenes will have no reprises -
You hardly acknowledge you played a part.
I'm lost. Where can I find to put this love
When yours was the one I'd been dreaming of?
Thank you for sharing!
I really enjoyed his poem. Love is a careless thing. Thank you :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you for reading. :)